Evans Wealth Management provides assistance in the following areas of financial planning and investment management.
Financial Planning
Working with individuals and families in all stages of retirement planning, we offer a wide array of services, including but not limited to:
Income planning is a critical element of a solid retirement strategy. A major financial goal is to have a consistent and reliable stream of income that will last through retirement. We can help clients address critical questions, such as how to shift from retirement savings to retirement income, how to estimate monthly income, and how to ensure those assets last.
Executive compensation packages and employee benefit plans offered through your employer are a great way to save for retirement. However, selecting the best options and maximizing contributions can cause uncertainty. We can help you understand how your retirement plan works, how to optimize benefits, and coordinate your plans with your other retirement and investment strategies.
As clients approach retirement, many have a number of questions regarding Social Security. How much will my income benefit be? How do I maximize my benefits? When should I begin taking Social Security? We understand the complexities of Social Security and have the resources to address our clients’ questions.
Many clients transitioning into retirement are focused less on taking risks and focused more on managing and preserving their wealth. We help clients analyze their income sources and determine how to match them with future expenses by utilizing both passive and active management strategies. We have experience developing portfolios using both methods and take into consideration clients’ risk tolerance, goals, and time horizons.
We also utilize technology to provide our clients with real time updates on their living, dynamic plans.
Many individuals, couples, and families don’t just want to make their assets last for their lifetimes; they want to leave a legacy for their heirs. However, the financial side of estate planning is often overlooked and can have a significant impact on one’s family. We can assist clients in articulating their estate planning needs and coordinate the work of other professionals who may be needed, including estate attorneys and CPAs.
We encourage you to reach out today if you or someone you know needs assistance with their retirement plan.
Investment Management
We offer comprehensive financial planning utilizing Monte Carlo analysis. A financial road map can help you chart a course between where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow. Depending on your needs, your financial plan may incorporate college planning, retirement planning, debt management, cash flow analysis, and other strategies.
We utilize a proven process focused on using low-cost investments and disciplined, tax-efficient strategies. Each client’s’ needs and investments are different, therefore we are able to utilize passive and active management based on academic research and fundamental portfolio theory analysis.
We work closely with you to not only create a personalized portfolio, but to also implement and monitor your strategies on an ongoing basis. We have access to a wide range of investment vehicles, including:
- Stocks
- Bonds – taxable and tax free
- Mutual Funds
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
- Certificates of Deposit
- Government Securities
Throughout this process, we can coordinate with other professionals, such as attorneys and CPAs, to take a holistic view of your situation, and utilize current technology when necessary. Once a financial plan is established, we regularly meet on the performance of clients’ portfolios and make changes and updates. Client engagement is one of our top priorities.
Our Disciplined Process
We use an objective, long-term decision-making approach and help our clients make informed financial decisions. By crafting a plan that addresses an individual’s whole financial picture, we are able to work as a team and guide our clients through life’s many roller coasters. Our process includes:
Identifying and Prioritizing Your Goals
Analyzing and Evaluating Your Assets
Monitor and Adjust Your Success
Implementing Your Plan
We believe, as fiduciaries, that there is great value in addressing your entire financial profile, not merely investment management. We believe financial advisors add value by focusing on you, as an individual, rather than just your investment accounts. Retirement and Investment planning is just one aspect of a comprehensive financial plan. All of our discussions will include your tax planning, estate planning, college planning, and other areas of your financial picture.